I N T R O D U C T I O N M E M O R A N D U M From: Gary Cotterill - President, Information Systems Technologies To: CDWARE - Demo User Subject: SysEdit Installation and Functionality Dear Demo User, The Software License ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CDWARE distribution of SysEdit is a fully functional copy of the software. It supports a single user at a time. If you have the need to have several simultaneous users test SysEdit please call (206) 644-7441 and request a 30 day multi-user demo license. (Your hostid will be required). The Hardware/Software Environment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SysEdit is designed to be used on terminals (WY60, VT100, PCs emulating etc.) as well as inside Xwindow (or OpenWindows) xterms, shelltools and cmdtools. SysEdit has a rich set of key functions that can be mapped to any key or user defined key sequence. Because of this SysEdit works better with "xterm" windows than with "shelltool" or "cmdtool" windows. Xterm windows will provide valid escape sequences for every key on the keyboard while shelltool and cmdtool windows are very limited. Xterm windows also scroll faster. To configure Openwindows or Xwindows to let "xterm" windows generate these escape sequences you may need to create a file in your home directory called .xrdm.xterm that is used by xrdb in your openwindows startup. You might also have to create a file called .xmodmaprc (used by xmodmap) to get a shifted keys (like right_arrow) to put out a different escape sequence than unshifted keys. Please look in the /usr/local/IST/XOWconfig directory for information on how to create these files. SysEdit Initialization and setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This distribution includes two working terminal configuration files (/usr/local/IST/ISTSE.xterm and /usr/local/IST/ISTSE.sun-cmd) but you may wish to create your own by running the se_setup program. The se_setup program will ask you to press each function key on your keyboard to identify escape sequences. It will then ask you to assign desired key functions to them. If you are in Openwindows or Xwindows be careful during se_setup not to press keys that are used by the GUI. (Example: F1 is almost always assigned to Help and the L1-L10 keys are assigned to several Xwindow functions) The best test to see if a key is valid within se_setup and SysEdit is to press the key at the Unix shell prompt. If it generates something like ^[[18~ or ^[[214z then it is a key you can assign in se_setup. Try to avoid assigning the same escape sequence to multiple key names and watch out for keys that generate a single ^000 (NULL) or ^033 (Escape) character. Starting SysEdit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The easy way to start SysEdit is just to type: se filename or se This starts se and checks the license against the number of active users. If a "filename" was specified the file is loaded and the current line number is set to the top (line above the first existing line). SysEdit will then hand control over to you in your chosen startup mode. Note 1: Pressing the Escape Character twice will always toggle from SCREEN mode to EDIT mode or from EDIT mode to SCREEN mode! Note 2: When in EDIT mode (you will know because of the EDIT prompt) you can enter the HELP command to learn more about SysEdit. Note 3: The first EDIT mode commands to lookup with HELP are QUIT, FILE, LOCATE and CHANGE. This will give you the basics of how to get around in SysEdit. (Example: HELP Q) Note 4: When all else fails press CNTL_C to exit "se" and then go look at the simple tutorials in /usr/local/IST. Thank you for taking the time to look at SysEdit!